I share more of Marcia's insight:
"When making a story rope, we may remember our stories better, perhaps revealing both joys and sorrows, to share with others. It is a tactile timeline of one's life or part of one's life. It is also a way of giving permission for many to share their stories.
Making a work of art representing an individual, whether a portrait or a story rope, extends worth and value to that person.
Since we are created by a loving, heavenly Father, the master Artist, our stories, as His artwork, are full of meaning and purpose. He is present in every day of our stories. Sometimes, this truth can be clouded in our lives due to a variety of circumstances. Story Ropes can be a way of affirming each person's worth to his or her Creator and to those in his or her community."
Marcia (front kneeling) in Cambodia with new friends, wearing their story ropes after sharing their pain filled stories of the Killing Fields. Click photos to enlarge.