Meet Peggy Sperling, pictured by The Great Wall. (click on pics to enlarge) She & her team travel to China at the invitation of a high level Chinese government official and have a business license to operate above ground. Peggy & I connected about Story Ropes before she and her group left for China. Through conversation & studying this blog, she left prepared to teach the Story Rope & the Leadership Rope, a new title that suited a secondary teaching focus. Click for Peggy's blog: Women Connect in China Peggy shared the following:
"The Chinese women we serve are very open and passionate about their faith but also are dealing with many things from the past and their parents who may have become bitter by the hardships of the past."
"The leadership rope helped a lot. We used it in business and leadership training for Operation Blessing and Christian Broadcasting Network. It helped the participants see how God uses all events* in life to prepare us for His work. Once completed they shared with one or two others about their stories and got input about how that might be helpful in their ministries and businesses."
"Chinese/Asians are big with 'saving face' and acting like all is well - it was very revealing to them how God might help them help others by virtue of His work in all parts of their lives."
In all they taught the Story Rope 2 times & the Leadership Rope 2 times creating a total of 150 ropes = 150 life stories!
1. Peggy in China.
2. Creating Leadership Ropes. The men loved making them too.
3. Li Jin Yang makes her rope and listens to another tell about hers.
They loved seeing the picture of their lives in this tactile way.
4. Zhang Qiang, Peggy's driver, showing off his Leadership Rope.
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