"If that was the only thing I did in Kosovo, it would have been worth it."
Melinda Elliot telling about her experience using the story rope with the mostly Albanian team during her 3 wks. in Kosovo. She is holding the story rope she made in Kosovo to demonstrate the process. (top photo)
In Kosovo. The smiles on the women's faces belie the earlier 1 1/2 hrs. of tearful sharing about their life stories. Although this team has been together for two years,this was the first time the women were able to openly talk about things that they had never shared with each other. (middle photo)
The story rope, like a personal time line, was a catalyst to sharing. Made with local materials, the buttons & ribbons were thoughtfully chosen & tied to a strip of fabric in an order representing a sequence of events. If willing, participants were invited to tell their story using the rope.
This creative activity released each storyteller from the deep burden she had silently carried alone & brought a new level of openness, understanding & empathy between team members. So simple yet so powerful!
(lower photo-Melinda in my studio before Kosovo trip, learning the story rope.)