My friend called one day to see if she could bring her visiting family members over. We sat in the living room with a big world atlas and located where each family member is from in India.
Then my friend turned to me and said, "Tell them your story". "But I don't have my rope." "Tell them your story" she repeated. "OK." And I did - growing up in alcoholic home, journey through depression, feeling hopeless, rebuilding my trust and faith in Jesus - the whole transparent story.
We eventually made it upstairs where my friend explained the whole Creation quilt story. Amazing! Then they discovered their language in the design of the For God So Loved quilt.
Of course they wanted to see the story ropes having heard so much about them. I brought out mine and one made in Rwanda. That called for telling my story yet again! There was much discussion in the studio.
(They wanted their photo taken with the story ropes.)
Before leaving, I gave them Creation & For God So Loved quilt postcards. They asked for extras to share with their friends back in India. Great! I handed out more!